6 Ways To Grow Thicker And Healthier Hair From The Inside Out

thick hair

Having thick, lush, and long hair isn’t all about hair masks, the right brush, minimizing damaging stylist techniques, a lot of your healthy hair growth habits comes from within. PRP therapy for hair loss is also a good option for people who are unable to get a hair transplant and would benefit more from non-invasive surgical methods.

Below, we will cover 6 tips on hair loss prevention and how to improve hair growth and health from the inside out.

  1. Give yourself a scalp massage

Hair health is all about giving the follicles embedded in the scalp everything they need to function well and produce strands of hair.

What they need is oxygen and the nutrients being carried around your body in your bloodstream. You can help this by using a hair stress leave in treatment as well as an anti hair loss shampoo while performing a scalp massage. Giving yourself a few minutes of a scalp massage (or nicely requesting one from your beau) is a great way to increase your scalp circulation and give those follicles a nice hit of oxygen and nutrients on the regular.

As a bonus, scalp massages feel great and don’t cost you a penny. If you want a quick way to freshen up your look, a hair piece, like a pink wig, is also a great idea.

  • Ditch the cigarettes

Speaking about the importance of blood flow for a healthy head of hair — cigarettes can put a significant damper on blood flow throughout your entire body, including your scalp.

Cigarettes can cause small vessels to dilate, meaning less oxygenated blood can get through to nourish your follicles. Ultimately this can mean less healthy hair and reduce growth rates over time.

So, in case you need another reason to stop smoking, add worsened hair health to the list.

  • Make eating healthy fats a priority

Healthy shiny hair helps gets that sheen from the healthy fats that you consume. Omega 3 fatty acids are not produced by the body, so you need to make sure that you are getting enough in your diet.

You can get omega 3s in your diet from fish and certain seafood, nuts and seeds like flax and chia, avocados, and some plant-derived oils.

  • Eat the rainbow (and enough protein)

You are what you eat, and that includes the hair your body produces.

Hair is made of up mostly protein, but it also requires a healthy input of essential vitamins and minerals to get the hair growth job done.

Look up your recommended daily protein intake by your age and gender to ensure you are getting enough to build thick and healthy strands.

Aside from protein, also be sure that your diet includes a wide range of colorful fruits and vegetables to ensure your scalp has plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to grow beautiful hair.

Consuming what you need in your food is best, but if you struggle with a balances diet, or just want to make sure you are covering all of the nutrient bases, adding in an immune booster.

  • Rein in stress levels

Chronic prolonged high-stress levels can wreak havoc on your hair, even if you have everything else on this list covered.

Integrate healthy stress relief habits into your life to make sure your frustrations aren’t taking a toll on your hair.

Yoga, regular exercise, meditation, and talking with your support group are great ways to help reduce stress levels.

  • Talk to a doctor when something seems wrong

You would go to a doctor if you see a weird rash on your skin, hurt your toe, or have a pain somewhere, and getting a medical opinion when you notice changes in your hair should be no different.

Hair loss and thinning isn’t always just cosmetic, as changes in your hair can be a sign of vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems, chronic stress, or something else going on in your body. Once the problem is solved, consider looking into getting a hair transplant or hair loss therapy via services like Cell Theory: Institute of Cellular & Aesthetic Medicine or Proper Eu Medical & Aesthetics Center.

Talk to your doctor if your hair seems to be thinning or growing differently to help find a root cause or rule out anything else serious going on. Plus, if you end up needing a prescription hair loss treatment, the sooner you start treating your hair loss or thinning concerns, the better the results will be.