Making A Success Of Moving and Downsizing

Moving home can be one of the most stressful things in life, with so much to think about and organize. And, if you’re also downsizing for whatever reason, you have the added pressure of making all your furniture and possessions fit into a smaller space. But don’t panic, if you come up with a plan and structure things carefully with the guidance of a residential moving company, you will help ease the load. Moving home should also be exciting, don’t lose sight of that – you’ll have a whole new property to make your own, and a new area to settle into. Here are some of the things by Green Van Lines Moving Company , you should be thinking about to get yourself on the highway to success.

Be decisive


Changing properties requires a lot of decisions, so you need to be decisive about a few key things as you start the process of selling up and moving on. First of all, you need to firmly decide that you are actually going to go for it. You may have talked about it for a long time with your family or partner, but why is it that you want to get a new home – and why now? If the reasons are solid – maybe you need to cut your spending, or you’re starting a new job in a more expensive area – then you have got the solid foundations to work on. What you should you take from this is that you shouldn’t just be selling your property on a whim, it’s a massive decision and potentially a costly process.


Once you’ve decided that you definitely need to relocate, then you should be deciding on the area or areas that you would like to move to. Have a look around as soon as possible, to get a feel for the territory and to draw up a shortlist of locations. If you have children, you’ll be wanting to think about the availability of schools and other facilities. And, for you, you will need to consider how close you’ll be to any new job.

When you’ve got to this stage, you should be deciding on how you’re going to sell your home. There are loads of options open to you. You should take expert advice on what’s best for you and your property and will be the most efficient and cost-effective way of moving on. Also, speak to family and friends about whether they have any recommendations for realtors and so on.

Get your home ready for sale        

So, you’ve decided you’re going to move, you’ve picked the area where you want to go, and you have arrangements in place to start selling your home and start looking for movers to help you out, great professional movers you can trust don’t grow on trees. Now, you need to get your property ready to wow potential buyers.

Start by standing back and taking an outsider’s look at your property. Go to the sidewalk and stand in front of your home. How does it look? Would you want to buy it? If the answer to the last question is yes, then great. If not, then think about what you need to do to improve what is essentially your storefront.

If you have a garden area, then make sure you get it looking tidy and in good health. The worst thing for a potential buyer to see would be dead flowers and grass, struggling to catch some air. The same goes for any green space you have out the back.

Also, take time to have a good look at the structure of your property. If you have any paintwork on the outside, is it in good shape? Does it need to be freshened up? And how about any wooden features or window frames, do they look in good condition? Remember, simple things like also making sure the window glass is clean could also make a big difference when it comes to selling your home.

If you have a garage attached to your property, then for sure, anyone looking around will want to see inside. So, don’t just throw all your trash in there, making sure it’s also looking neat and tidy – and potential buyers can see the potential for them to use it as an rv storage space.

Going inside

Of course, it’s what’s on the inside that also matters when it comes to selling your home. When anyone walks in through the door, you want them to be impressed and for them to be able to see themselves living in the property. This means making sure your house is clean and tidy and clutter free.

If you’re the kind of person that has loads of stuff around your home, then think about simplifying it all, to give an impression of more space. If you need to move out furniture and other belongings, then check out storage options. These can also be great facilities for when you actually move into your downsized property – if you don’t have enough space for everything, you could always keep some stuff in a self-storage facility. Get more info to see if it could work for you.

As well as making sure your home is clean and tidy, you also need to be thinking about whether you need to do any work on the walls and floors. How does the paint look? Does it need to be re-done? And how about what’s under your feet, do the wood panels need a polish? Does the carpet need a good clean?

And in your kitchen and bathroom, is everything sparkling? These two rooms are where most buyers will be focusing their attention, so make sure they’re looking clean. No dirty laundry, plates, and glasses laying around.

You can also add some nice touches when potential buyers come around. For example, you could put some fresh flowers around your property. You could make some fresh coffee, to get a great smell in the house. These could also help you make a sale.

Moving time

Once you’ve sold your home and you’ve found somewhere to move to, it’s time to get everything packed up and shipped to your new place. You can either do this all yourself, with the help of family and friends or call in some expert residential movers to pack up your things and transport them for you. Then if you ship your products by air make sure that you have a look at these great thermal covers as they are what we have used a lot and are simply brilliant. But ruthless with what you need to take with you, especially if you’re downsizing. Good luck!