Designer Office Accessories

We spend major part of day in our office, thus it becomes really important that it should be enjoyable and has a lively environment. You don’t have to renovate the whole place, just add few designer items to your desk or wall.

Magnetic Key Holder

You don’t have to worry about loosing your keys in your bag or desk anymore ! This pretty strong magnet key holder can hold up to 30 keys  at a time.

Sticky Hand Notes

Talk to the hand sticky notes for those who are tired of writing on hands and forgetting important information. Set of 300 sticky notes.

Fun Notepad

Notebook with writing space on one side and side ball patterns on the other, once used crunch the paper to a ball and you can play soccer, or rugby or tennis. Link

Cursor Mouse

Ultimate comfort and flexibility, mouse designed by Art Lebedev Studio.

Balloon Calendar

Fun & festive, this balloon calendar fills the office with colors. Enjoy different colors for every month. Link

Royal Tea Bags

Be a royal tea drinker, have your personal collection of famous people tea bags. Buy at amazon.

Staple Free Stapler

No more torn paper, hooked clothing, painful finger pokes and no more wrestling with jammed stapler, this ingenious new Staple Free Stapler uses absolutely no staples. Check out here.

Stress Ball

These stress balls are fun, you squeeze them hard and blisters will protrude. Link


This cute USB boy serves as one point for various USB devices. Cute!

Walls Notebook

Must for every designer, these 80 clean New York walls notebook are perfect for you to draw, scribble or paint. Link

Lets Live Impressive!