Entrances, halls and staircases are often seen as the leftover areas of the house. Although each of these areas requires a different design approach, there are common factors to consider when planning them. To make an impression entrance is the key element, it showcases your house as a whole to others. When designing and decorating entrances you need to be very practical, as they are always subject to considerable wear and tear. A nice woodgrain wall paneling would your visitors a great first impression of your home. Here are few ideas to make your entrances Impressive!!
Convey openness and light with partially glazed door, or modernity, with a glossy, flush-fitted one. Consider both the security as well as the impression it makes. Find door handles, bells and knockers that match the style of the door and the house. Pic Courtesy

There should be room to take off coats or to greet visitors, leave the area by the door fairly open. Coat racks or umbrella stands can be placed farther into the entrance.A small table near the entrance is a convenient place on which to leave mail, messages, newspaper and keys. You can put a mirror for a quick look while walking out. If you have the room, use the space for discarded boots, roller skates, umbrellas and the like. Pic Courtesy
The one essential just inside the door is a light switch; natural light flooding through a window by the door would be interesting too. Artificial light should come from several directions or be indirect to avoid gloomy shadows. Pic Courtesy
Surfaces should be extremely durable; rain, mud and snowfall will find their way in. Have a large doormat to avoid mud and dampness while entering the home. A defined tiled or sealed wood area is an excellent floor covering. Pic Courtesy
Lower parts of the walls in the entrance are likely to get rough treatment, solve the problem by using either tiles or paneling below the dado. A more modern solution would be to use heavy-duty washable wallpaper. Pic Courtesy
Lets Live Impressive!!