Entrances, halls and staircases are often seen as the leftover areas of the house. Although each of these areas requires a different design approach, there are common factors to consider when planning them. Halls threaten to become one of dead spots unless you treat it more like room. Its main function is to provide circulation from one room to another. Transform the hall area from a mere circulation space into an important part of the house. And here are elements you need to take care while planning and decorating halls.

The key element in enlivening a hall is light, if possible, bring natural light. If there is no way of bringing natural light directly into your hall, consider opening up doors or interior ‘windows’ into other parts of the house where natural light is available. Light should be used to pick out features, such as seats, bookshelves, telephone and pictures. Pic Courtesy
Hall will be used for circulation; do not cram it so full of diversions that it becomes an annoyance to use. Always leave room for easy access, make a space for easy movement and remove any furniture which could be safety hazard. Pic Courtesy
Consider using the hall as an alternative room, the space under stairs, in an alcove or in a blind corner – can be used as a small study, a work –room or even a kitchen –ette. Use the space for storing items such as books, bicycles and tools. Pic Courtesy
Finishes will have to be durable because of the amount of movement through the hall. Treatment of the floor will make difference in particular; if the floor is the same as the adjoining rooms, carpet or hardwood floors, hall will seem as the extension of the rooms rather than a separate part of the house. Pic Courtesy
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Consider whether you need hall at all; it might be possible to create a larger and more useful room. The entrance area could be closed off with glazed walls and door, for instance, yet remain light and still seem part of the room. The hallway can be used for other purposes, such as a dining area. This plan makes good use of space and adds to the enjoyment of a fine view. A hallway with architectural proportions and simply decorated will make strong style statement. Pic Courtesy
You can also display homely antique furniture, it gives style to a small hallway and can be used as focus for decorative objects as well as functional storage. Pic Courtesy
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