Having a home that reflects you is the best way of making it warm and inviting to family and friends, and will provide you with a living space that is comfortable beyond belief. While some people prefer the minimalist approach, others want to inject as much personality into their homes as possible. Though this can sometimes be expensive and time-consuming, it’s worth it in the long run if your end result reflects all the parts of your personal style you want on show. Whether you own a home, or you are living in rented accommodation, there are some foolproof ways, big and small, which will help transform your home.

Design the space yourself
If you have just moved into a home that needs renovating to achieve the look you desire, then it’s a good idea to design the space yourself. If you have a creative outlook, you will be able to picture exactly how you want the kitchen to open into the living area, or how much natural light you want flowing from one room to the next. This job can take up a lot of time and energy, and it is very easy to get wrong if you don’t enlist help from an expert. To ensure your vision will come to life in a feasible way, you can work with someone to walk you through every step, who will be committed to helping you put your individual stamp on your place.
Do your own decorating
It’s one thing to design your living space, but it’s another to put your hands to use decorating the place. However, it can be easy to become impatient with how long it is taking, so sometimes it’s good to lead the project while you employ helpers. It will ensure the quality is top notch, and that it gets finished at a quicker pace. As you go along, it’s important to assess whether your vision is translating well in real life, as opposed to on the page. Sometimes, it won’t, but there is no shame in fitting new ideas in around what you already have.
Use color wisely
Color is the focal point of any room, be it the paint that covers your walls, to the blankets that line your sofas. It is arguably the best mechanism to put personality into your home, and it also doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your living space. Having the right color can help put you in a good mood, give the illusion of space, and give off an inviting vibe to all who visit. You could even make use of patterns on a feature wall, or in the cozy towels you use in your bathroom. The only thing to be aware of is that you make sure you avoid gaudy colors clashing with bright patterns in the rest of the home.
Add artwork to the walls
Making use of artwork is one of the best ways to give a glimpse into the workings of your mind. You could love high definition prints of marine animals, or abstract art from the 19th century. Either way, it has the potential to light up the room and be the talking point of anyone who visits. You can also certainly make this artwork complement the color scheme of the room, resulting in a finely tuned personal space that makes you smile every time you walk in.
Invest in interesting pieces
A home wouldn’t be a home without furniture, which is another great way of injecting your personal style into your living space. Popular furnishings in today’s world include those that take inspiration from Scandinavian living, which promotes a healthy living space that has a profound effect on wellness. Stay in line with current trends and marry your personality into the mix by using a manufacturer such as Midinmod to help achieve the look and comfort you want.
Spend time on your bedroom
Your bedroom should be the most personal space in your home. It is your private bubble, where your personality should permeate through every aspect of the room. It should also be a space of safety and reassurance, where you can settle down after a bad day to get the best sleep possible. Having string lights, candles, and soft blankets is the best way of making it feel like a home inside a home. You also need to make sure your bed is in the positioned in your room in a place that will feel the most natural to you. It is something that is easy to do if you live in a rented apartment, which will make it feel more like yours. If you share the room with your partner, you should work closely together to find what you are both happy with.
Display family photographs
The rest of your home can look as stylish and comforting as you need it to, but the only way of showing off the most important parts of your life is by having your family photographs scattered about the house. It doesn’t mean that your house needs to feel cluttered, but home is where the heart is, so it’s almost imperative that you have the smiling faces of friends and family greeting you from the moment you walk in. Creating a collage to put inside a glass frame is a great way of making your loved ones a focal point of the house. If you want reminders of them in more place than one, you can invest in handmade frames that bring out your favorite features of each photo.
Make it yours
It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else’s ideas are when you’re going about designing, decorating, and living in your home. However, it’s key that these voices don’t dictate everything about your home. At the end of the day, the person living there is you. If you want the orange lamp underneath the sixties inspired wallpaper feature, then you should do that is it’s what will make your home feel like the house version of you.