Frames are one of the trendiest pieces of home decor. Create a unique statement with these creative photo frames. Instead of spending a fortune, pick up old frames, ribbons, mirrors and paint to create these beautiful pieces at home. Follow the link to get to the tutorials.

Cover an old frame in mosaic style, you can use old calendar, tickets, stamps or any collection you would like to display. Link
Create a small table side or windowsill frame with used popsicles, try different color combination sparkles to give it a trendy look. Link
Surprise your daughter with this cardboard frame , it looks cute and will be a brilliant gifting idea. Link
You’ll get an old iron frame for a nickel and paint it in your favorite colors, its an easy job . Link
Little creativity on the wooden planks and you have a gorgeous frame ready for yourself. Link
This DIY Creative Photo Frame Set from GV Boutique shows you how creative you can get with just seven photo frames, some wooden clips, and rope! Link
Use your old fabrics to wrap a cardboard or an old frame, you can experiment with different shades or patterns. Link
Fun way to put a good use to old CD holders. Make your own Carousel. Link
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