Garage organization has never been a simple task and we tend to let go this part of the house, piling dirty shoes, yard tools and random storage which leads to junk covering the space and look more like dump. You’ll be surprised how with smart storage solutions you can easily organize gardening tools, work tools, outdoor gear all in your garage without compromising on car parking space which can also be more secure if you add the new Bi Fold Doors. It may also be a good time to check the condition of your garage door and evaluate if you need a garage door replacement. Reclaim and repair your garage now with help from Titan Garage Doors, they serve all of Vancouver.
Here are some smart storage ideas and clever tips that will make your work easy and help you keep your garage clean and organized.
Before starting to clean your garage just make sure your security system or locks in your garage are 100% working. In order to achieve this you can check out online sites and look for top companies that provide great service for garage needs and concerns, here’s about Lewis River Doors. Visit them to learn more.
A garage is best place to store not only garage gear but also other belongings used scarcely. What you need- streamlined storage, from freestanding shelving to hold supplies to pegboard for tools to keep them in order and handy. Pic Courtesy

Adopt a flexible storage system that allows you an easy access to most important items. Open shelving, adjustable shelves, baskets, mason jars, wall hooks, magnetic boards, peg boards, these simple and readily available options can make garage a storage packed space. Pic Courtesy

For a streamline organization and multi-use of garage space, divide the space into zones for different tasks. Transform a potting station into ultimate garden storage with space saving solutions. Create a workshop zone by using the space around the workbench to store tools. Adjustable shelving comes in handy to customize the space as needed. Make the zones easy and efficient to work around. Pics Courtesy

Complete a workstation by combining different storage solutions. Create a space for putting a bench which can serve as large surface while working and pegboard keeps tools handy. Pic Courtesy

Take tips from kitchen storage, use old containers for storage. Usually the small things such as screws, nails and washers which are missing when you need, the small jars with transparent lids make it easy to store and see what is inside. You can use a magnetic panel to hold the canisters or screw the lid to the bottom of a shelf that ensures they are at place. Pic Courtesy

A pegboard makes simple tool storage easy and handy, hooks helps keeping gear at hand, such as screwdrivers, hammer and twine. Also it saves on ground space. Pic Courtesy

Magnetic knife holder used in kitchens is no new thing and same can be used in the garage, instead of fiddling through the drawers to find the tools but keep them at arm’s length. Pic Courtesy

Make storage arrangements which let you see the supplies when needed. Plastic baskets/containers, wire baskets makes it easy to see the supplies, you can easily hang them or put them on shelves to get most out of the space. Pic Courtesy

Use scrap wood to create an upright storage corral separated with plywood slats. Use it to store gardening, sports equipment, usually hanging these tools will keep them more handy but to keep it safe especially around kids corral is better idea. Pic Courtesy

Bike storage has been made easy, you can use hooks to hang the bikes along the wall or create a bike shelf which is not just nice looking but also has place to store the helmet. Pic Courtesy

Curtains can work wonders even in garage, they are inexpensive and easy way to conceal garage storage. Pic Courtesy

Also Checkout: Closet Organizing Ideas
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