How To Be More Productive When Working From Home   

Working from home is a privilege and one you can be grateful for and enjoy each day. However, it can also be a very challenging way to work because of all the distractions around you. Not being in an office environment may feel strange and it’s possible you won’t know exactly how to be as productive while at home.

Be glad to know there are measures you can put in place and habits to practice that will help you get your work done in a timely manner. What you can’t do is slack off and be lazy about what needs to get done if you want to stay on track. You have to be responsible and know how to properly manage yourself if you’re going to be successful out of the office.



Find Office Space

You need to have a dedicated office area complete with wireless telecommunications service to be productive when working from home. Computers are obviously the number one equipment you’ll need and you don’t always have to purchase a brand new computer. There are used laptops that you can buy to get yourself started with the new work setup. You can also partner up your laptop with a Verbatim Wireless Mini Travel Mouse to make your a little easier.

You shouldn’t plan on waking up each day and working from wherever you feel like it, or you may soon find yourself simply watching television or playing with your kids outside. One idea is to pick a room in your home and turn it into a den or research Used Construction Trailers For Sale and secure one of these as your new office space. They’re great for anyone who owns a small business or needs to work from home and have a quiet spot for meeting with clients and other visitors. And since you will be in front of your laptop or computer everyday, wearing blue light glasses will help remove eye strain, but if those still don’t help then consider getting eye exams done so you are sure it is  ok for you to sit in front of a computer all day.

Get Dressed & Eat Breakfast

Wakeup and shower like you would if you were going into an office. Being lazy and going days without cleaning yourself up will make you feel worse and you’ll likely end up sitting on the couch and not getting much work done. Get dressed and eat a good breakfast to make sure you have enough energy to get you going in the morning. Start your day off by completing a normal morning routine that you would do if you were leaving to work outside the home. While you don’t have to necessarily put on your fanciest clothes, you should try to look decent in case someone comes to the door and because it’ll make you feel better overall.

Follow A Schedule

Be proactive and come up with a schedule that you can follow each day to help you keep focused. Write it down and post it on the wall if that’s what’s going to help you get through each day without falling into the trap of not performing to the best of your ability. Your office can also use a mindmap task list for remote team and for other workers at home. Consider including items on it such as waking up at a decent hour, getting ready, what tasks you want to get done and breaking for lunch. You’d be following a schedule if you were at an office, so do the same when in your home if you want to be successful and not lose your way.

Eliminate Distractions

While there are also distractions when working outside the home, you’re going to experience even more of them when at your house. If you have little kids around, your phone always by you and don’t take the time to find a quiet space to work then you’ll quickly feel stressed out and will likely not get much work completed. Eliminate distractions by closing your office door, turning off your ringer and only checking email once in a while. Your biggest challenge will be to find the perfect location that allows you to focus and not be tempted to quit working to attend to other tasks. Leave the laundry, dishes and other household chores for the weekends or evenings when you’re done with your work assignments.

Give yourself Breaks

You’ll be more productive working from home when you take breaks every so often. You may be the type who’s good at working from home and sticking to your responsibilities, but this also means you have to know when to shut it down and remove yourself from work. Set an alarm if you have to and force yourself to get up and walk around throughout the day. Fill your water, use the restroom and go outside and stretch for a few minutes. Sometimes it’s easier to take breaks at an office where other people are doing the same, so you have to be good about granting yourself this time away from your computer when working at home.

Stay in Touch with Necessary Parties

It’s likely you’re not working all by yourself even though you’re at home. Be good about practicing open communication and staying in touch with necessary parties when not in an office. Reach out to others regularly and make sure you’re in the know about what’s going on with the various parts of the business. This will keep you in the work mindset, and you’ll be able to confirm that what you’re working on is in line with the larger company goals and you’re not duplicating work efforts. It’s also a good idea to touch base with any clients you have often and not disappear just because you’re working from home.

Set Boundaries

Ultimately, it’s your job to set boundaries and create a productive work atmosphere for yourself. Make it clear to your spouse that when you’re working, you don’t have time for certain conversations or personal planning. Also, let your coworkers and clients know when and where you’re available, so they’re not always contacting you when you’re not actually clocked in. Set these boundaries early and then be strict about following them if you want to create the right amount of balance in your life. Make it clear that just because you work from home doesn’t mean you’ll always be plugged in during the evenings or over the weekend.


These are a few suggestions that will help you be more productive at home. Give them a try and see what works for you and which of your habits may need tweaking to ensure you’re getting your work done. Keep in mind it may take some time to adjust to your new way of working before you get comfortable with the situation.