Whether you’ve decided to elope or simply want a small, a very small wedding, you’ve decided to say your vows on a lovely Greek Island. Perhaps inspired by that outrageously funny 2002 film still shown on movie channels and streaming media, you want your own My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but you want the real thing. Well, why not?
So, you’re there in Mykonos and you’re about to tie the knot. After looking at radiant engagement rings, you already presented your engagement ring with Argyle Pink Diamonds so you’re ready to go. Unfortunately, all those tiny, little regrets start chipping away at your conscience. You’ve so many friends and a large family at home that will feel slighted because they weren’t invited. Don’t worry. You can bring them into the celebration and festivities in a number of ways. If you want to make sure you capture every moment of this special day, then contact wedding photography services for some professional assistance.

Then also have a look at these incredible wedding cars that we used in London as they were easily the best we’ve ever seen so very highly recommended.
Here are four you might want to consider.

1. Facebook Live
This is a rather recent development in social media and although it’s huge in e-Commerce, regular people are sharing live events on social sites like Facebook. Send your friends and family back home what is being referred to as an evite where they can log into Facebook to see the ceremony as though they were right there with you. Visit wedding.film for cinematography style wedding videos.
Whether you use a mobile phone or a laptop, you can train the camera on where you say your vows and it will be like being there in the audience/congregation. No, it’s not quite the same as being there in the church with you, but it is the next best thing, as it takes place in real time. Also, consider the fact that you will also be able to pull stills from that saved video (if you choose to save it) to create a wedding photo album. It’s amazing what technology can do!
2. Bring Them on a Tour of Your Honeymoon Villa
Here’s something else you can do if you’re going to bring along the technology to stream your ceremony live to the folks back home. When you compare Mykonos villas rent offers, make sure to find a villa that includes Wi-Fi or DSL internet connectivity. To find one with the kind of internet connection you are looking for, you can browse Mykonos villas here.
Traditionally, newlyweds waited until they returned home to share pictures of the villa or honeymoon suite they chose for the occasion. By sneaking off to your own private wedding on a Greek Island, you don’t need to wait until you get home. Of course, you can do that anyway even if you say your vows at home, but why not use the money you would have spent on a huge wedding to rent a luxury room at a Hotel Chania Crete you would otherwise have not been able to afford?
3. Send Gifts from Local Merchants and Artisans
If you’ve planned well enough in advance, you’ll know that you need to allow for a budget to buy little mementos to send back home to those who feel left out. If there is one thing which can be said about the Greeks, they are an artistic people who bring their artistry into literally every area of life.
From those little gift baskets with delectable cheeses to pottery crafted by local artisans, you will find little treasures to appease those you’ve wounded by leaving them behind. Did you know that Mykonos is renowned for their garments hand loomed in the same way as they have been for several centuries? Craftsman pass their trade down from generation to generation and there is nothing quite as lovely as a hand-woven garment from Greece.
4. Then There’s Instagram and Snapchat for Stills
So far, we’ve mentioned live video events from which to take stills for the memory books. Why not share your stay on the island with social sites like Instagram, also owned by Facebook, or Snapchat, to which you can add special effects? With Instagram being the third largest social networking site, most people you know probably have visited that site at least once and are familiar with creating an account to view any photos you have posted.
We’ve already mentioned the top social networking site, Facebook, which leaves only YouTube in second position as far as popularity. Many of the videos you want to upload to Facebook will need to be posted on YouTube and then linked to from your Facebook account. Isn’t it amazing what technology has to offer when it comes to staying connected with friends and family back home? Whether you’ve planned all along to slip away for a private, intimate Greek wedding or it was a spur of the moment idea, you can share the happy event with anyone and everyone you want.
Allbrought to you by advances in technology and when it’s privacy you want, what better way is there to share only those moments you want to share while keeping those private moments between just the two of you?
Image Credits: Greek Wedding from smoxx/Shutterstock