Struggling To Sleep Hypnosis May Be The Answer You’re Looking For

A good night’s sleep is a gift. Something to be cherished. Because how well we sleep sets the tone for the day. Wake up cranky and it’s likely that no matter how brilliant the sun in shining we won’t be able to look on the bright side of life.

That’s not always easy. Most people can relate to laying awake at staring at the ceiling instead of taking a trip to dreamland. It’s unrelentingly frustrating, and leaves us asking, “How can I get a good night’s sleep?” But there is a solution.



What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis in the real world is not someone whispering, “You are feeling very sleepy,” while they dangle a watch in front of your eyes. That’s for cartoons, and movies.

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that can help you fall asleep faster: a method for bringing you into a state of heightened awareness, one that draws attention to your thoughts and feelings. It’s like being engrossed by a daydream. Instead of paying attention to the world around you, you pay attention to what matters: you.

In everyday life we regularly hypnotize ourselves. We can call these our habits.

These are the actions we take and situations we find ourselves in without even thinking about them. Over time they become a routine. Research indicates that hypnosis may be most effective in treating nightmares and sleepwalking. For people with agoraphobia, they may experience less improvement after treatment with hypnosis.

Hypnosis aims to break us out of nonconscious thinking that creates negative routines. Through hypnosis we come in touch with our self, and it’s from there that we can begin to form new habits: including a better night’s sleep. 

How Hypnosis Helps you Count Sheep

What often keeps us from falling asleep is those bickering anxious thoughts: “I can’t believe I have to go to work tomorrow!” or “Did I lock the door?” or even, “Oh no! I forgot to call my grandmother!”

Repetitive negative thoughts hijack attention and keep us in a state of alertness when we’re supposed to be relaxing. If you’re always thinking about the security of your house door locks, contact to have them replaced with better ones.

What hypnosis does is get to the root of negative thinking’s weeds and pull them out, showing them for what they are. By tapping into the subconcious we can reform our thinking habits, and leave those negative thoughts outside of the bedroom, letting us drift off tranquilly.  

In a way hypnosis is quite a bit like a delta binaural beats meditation. But, whereas meditation is focused on coming into contact with your being, hypnosis focuses on creating new positive actions.

Hypnosis is a pragmatic means of creating lasting, positive changes.

Some Additional Tips to Sleep Better

We wanted to give some additional tips for a better night’s sleep that you can use right now.

Afterall, you may not need hypnosis to get that great night’s sleep you deserve, though it is worth considering if you still struggle after trying the below.

  1. Make your room as dark as possible! Your body reacts to light and thinks its time to get up, even if it’s nighttime. That goes for your smartphones too! Turn them off or use a blue light filter.
  • Relax your muscles. Tense up all of your muscles and then release the tension to bring attention and calmness to your entire body. This will help you enter a state of relaxation.
  • Create a routine. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, go to bed at the same time; the idea is to form a series of habits that will help your body sleep when it understands its time to sleep.  
  • Don’t eat too much before sleep. It’s almost common knowledge that you shouldn’t eat before sleep, but it may help to have a light protein snack if you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night (a handful of almonds) to prevent blood sugar dropping too low.
  • Practice breathing exercises. Find a breathing exercise that works for you and practice it before sleep to help your mind and body calm down. Stretching also helps to bring attention and relaxation to your body. You may also consider trying In-home therapeutic Virtual Reality where you will experience a relaxing, immersive environment that can help increase sleep efficiency.

If you’re still struggling after trying the above it may be time to try and fall asleep faster with nature’s gateway to sleep: hypnosis.

Image Credits: Hypnosis from Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock