Preparing for IVF: Tips for Handling the Emotional Distress


Undergoing In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment is considered more stressful than many other major life events. You’ve likely been dealing with the upset of infertility for a few years by the time a reproductive specialist at a medical clinic recommends IVF. It’s an emotionally, physically, and financially taxing process but for some couples longing to have a child, IVF can be the success they have hoped for.

Expect Ups and Downs

Unstable hormones come with fertility treatment, and they tend to intensify everything. Prepare to experience a hormonal rollercoaster ride. Some fertility drugs can cause hormonal changes that lead to mood swings. Let your loved ones or emotional support team know that mood swings will happen and you may accidentally snap at little things from time to time. Avoiding stressful or emotionally trying activities or meetings is a good idea. Anything or anyone that you feel could negatively add to your unstable hormones should be avoided if possible, you should also seek help if your mood swings start affecting your way of living, we suggest looking into IV infusions for mood disorders.

Waiting for Pregnancy News

You may experience varying levels of emotions throughout IVF treatment. It’s important to know that not every day is a stressful day, especially once you get used to the process. You can’t put your life on hold for fertility treatments. Focusing on nothing but the progress of your treatment won’t help alleviate the anticipation. Give yourself some time to transition between treatment and daily obligations. Take meditative breaths when you feel anxious and reframe any negative thoughts. Treat yourself to things you enjoy and use any free moments throughout the day for meditation breaks.

Staying emotionally healthy during IVF treatment is easier when you have support. WithTherapy provides the tools to help you cope with uncertainty and stress. Users can find mental health resources that explain anxiety disorders and stress, depression and bipolar disorders, infertility challenges and postpartum depression, and identity and discrimination. WithTherapy pairs users with compassionate, licensed therapists who volunteer their time to provide free online or phone therapy. Emotional distress happens, but you never have to experience it alone.

Stressing About Stress

Educating yourself about all things reproductive medicine is the best way to feel confident and prepared. There will be decisions to make along the way so you need to be informed about your body, the IVF process, and your treatment options. Read articles and other materials about ivf, find support groups, and thoroughly investigate your fertility clinic options and the credentials of any potential fertility specialist. The more knowledge you have of what to expect, the more optimistic you will feel.

PFCLA understands the struggle of infertility. The world-class doctors and nurses provide personalized, exceptional patient care with the highest success rates and innovative medicine. The fertility clinic provides the latest medical treatments for infertility and has extensive experience with in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and egg donation. Other fertility services offered by PFCLA include egg freezing, Intrauterine insemination, sperm donation, and tubal reversal.

Preparing for Unsuccessful IVF

The success rate of IVF treatment is unique to every patient, even with the advances in infertility treatments. Talk to your partner about how you will cope and support each other if the outcome of your first IVF cycle isn’t what you had hoped for. If you shared with family members and friends that you are undergoing IVF, delegate one person to share the news. If you believe your treatment was unsuccessful because of medical negligence, contact a medical malpractice lawyer that can help you seek justice from the medical provider or medical facility that caused you harm. There are more other factors in medical malpractice cases you should be aware of.

For some patients, IVF is their last option after years of navigating infertility issues. To give yourself added emotional strength and support, you may consider consulting with a mental health professional who specializes in infertility. If your fertility clinic doesn’t offer patient resources or emotional support services, talk to your health care providers for help finding a mental health provider. You should also hire an attorney that is familiar with medical malpractice and personal injury so they can ensure that you are receiving proper care.

IVF is a journey unique to every person. These are just some tips to keep in mind when preparing for the emotional distress of IVF.