Living Room Decorating Ideas

Living room is the first place which anyone sees walking in, its space for entertainment, families to get together and spend weekends. While decorating the living room we need to make sure that its comfortable, speaks about your style and friendly for everyone. Here are some creative decorating ideas for your living room.

Coffee Table

Coffee table is the most important and central part of the room and you can experiment it with by arranging small pieces together or go ancient with a chest in the middle. Make sure you are not going for something which covers huge space. Check out more here.


Decorating a fireplace mantel can change the tone of your room, you can go with artwork, personal collection or family pictures. Expand the decoration by highlighting the center piece and adding wings to provide additional pieces. Check out more here.


Get dramatic this fall season, you can  go for painted brick or glamours black slate  fireplace. Check out more here.


Themed lamps can add a unique touch to a room. You can choose from metallic traditional to beachy feel lamps, light color to Color splashed base. Make sure to choose the lamps which can enhance the color of room. Check out more range here.

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